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Listed belov is my work history so far.  Parallel with these "bigger" employments I've done a lot of smaller freelance illustration jobs, which you can find under "cases".

Boonie Planet

After 3 great years in the MSP department (the maingame of Moviestar Planet) I have decided to try out some new great challenges with one of the company's other cool games, Boonie Planet.

  Originally I was a part of the start up of the game, as we had all the graphic artists sit together to brainstorm, doing concept doodles and come up with wacky and crazy ideas for this cute, fluffy game for tweens.

Moviestar Planet

From October 2012 until february 2016 I've worked with graphics and animation for the popular social game for tweens/ teens age 8 - 13, Moviestar Planet. The game has been a great succes in several countries with 250.000.000 users world wide. After february 2015 I've chosen to move a bit around in the company.

Cartoon Network

2008: I had my internship as character animator at Cartoon Network, London

Wulfmorghentaler, Copenhagen Bombay

2009-2011: Animator on the animated sitcom, Pandaerne, by Wulffmorghentaler


2012: After working on a greater project for Tintank/Frank productions a/s, where the customer was Velux windows, I worked on various small animation projects for the company Tintank.

Tintank/ Velux

2012: In a co-production with the animation company based in Copenhagen, Tintank and Frank production, I worked on a presentation video for Velux windows.

The Danish National Filmschool

2011: Animator on the graduation film Hakoili - girl in a box, by Marema Watanabe


2011: Clean up and coloring on the animation short, Hund i Himlen/ Dog in Heaven, by Nørlum

The Danish National Filmschool

2007 - 2008: Animator on the shortfilm, Catharsis.

The Animation Workshop

2012: 3D masterclass  at The Animation Workshop.

Graduation Film

2007-2008: As a final project from the Animation Workshop we made the shortfilm, Pig me. I worked as animator and character design artist.

2009: Animator on a kick starter project that was intended as a learning instrument for highschool kids. I worked on two episodes for some history teaching.

Various illustrations

2007-2009: in this period I illustrated a few childrens books, among other Tognisserne på Farten, by Henrich Koch and Fenella the Fairy, by Susannah Cord

The Animation Workshop

2005 - 2009: Took my bachelor degree in character animation at  The Animation Workshop, Viborg

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